EC Act Compliance Issues

Posted by LA Thornton on Tuesday, August 30, 2011
ICASA published a notice on 23 August 2011 calling all licensees to submit information to it by 30 August 2011, on ownership and control issues, in order to assist ICASA in carrying out an audit of shareholding of licensees.  Although not indicated in ICASA's notice, the Standard Terms and Conditions of all licensees calls upon licensees to submit shareholding changes to ICASA within seven days of any such occurance.

For more information on this and other compliance issues in respect of licenc...
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Digital Migration Policy - Proposed Amendments

Posted by LA Thornton on Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Minister of Communications published an intention to amend the digital migration policy issued in 2008.  The amendments set the switch on date for dual illumination as April 2012 and the cutoff date for analogue TV for December 2013.  In addition, the DVB-TS standard is proposed for digital terrestrial TV, DVB-S for digital satellite TV, and MPEG-4 as the compression standard, while existing services allowed to migrate when it is commercially viable.  Set top boxes will be subsidised thro...
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Spectrum Regulations

Posted by LA Thornton on Tuesday, April 12, 2011
ICASA has finally replaced the old Radio Regulations made prior to the Telecommunications Act, with the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations published on 31 March 2011.  The Regulations set out application procedures (standard and extended) and forms and application fees.  They also incorporate the spectrum licence exemption regulations and set out special provisions for services such as amateur radio, communal repeaters, burlar alarms, and citizen band services.  It would appear that these "...
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ISP Obligations in terms of the Films and Publications Act

Posted by LA Thornton on Friday, April 1, 2011
The Films and Publications Act is intended to regulate the distribution and exhibition of certain films and publications. 

The Act was amended in 2004 to place registration and other obligations on Internet service providers (ISP).  Internet service provider is defined in the Act as “any person who carries on the business of providing access to the Internet by any means”.

The Act requires every lSP to register with the FPB.  The current registration fee is R462, with an annual renewal fee ...
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Annual Contributions to the Universal Service and Access Fund

Posted by LA Thornton on Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa amended the regulations regarding annual contributions to the Universal Service Fund on 10 Feb 2011.  There are two noteworthy changes from the previously applicable regulations.  The first is that the annual contributions will be due six (rather than three) months after a licensee's financial year end.  This makes the due date simultaneous with the due date for annual licence fees applicable to service licences.  The second is that the...
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Requirements of the Interception Legislation

Posted by LA Thornton on Thursday, January 27, 2011
Did you know that all electronic communications network service (ECNS) and electronic communications service (ECS) licensees are required to gather and retain personal information about customers in terms of the Regulation of the Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act?  For more information, contact

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Special Temporary Licences

Posted by LA Thornton on Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Did you know that special temporary authorisations are available for purposes of testing, demonstrations and research and development. For more information, contact

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Compliance Reports

Posted by LA Thornton on Friday, January 7, 2011
ICASA published a second draft of "compliance manual" regulations on 20 December 2010, for public comment due 18 January 2011.  The compliance manual calls for no less than eight new reports that licensees will be required to submit to ICASA, if the regulations are enacted.  These reports include two that will be due quarterly, with respect to compliance with the E-rate regulations and code of conduct regulations.  Comments on these draft regulations are due by no later than 31 January 2011. ...
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Access for people with disabilities

Posted by LA Thornton on Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Did you know that all licensees must ensure that their services are accessible and available to people with disabilities.  For more information, contact

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Posted by LA Thornton on Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Did you know that all licensees must provide a 50 percent discount to public schools and universities for Internet services, including connectivity charges, charges for equipment and charges for calls to an Internet service provider?  For more information, contact

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